Saddles Worldwide Blog
Rosehill Dressage story just posted!
Read it here..... “We now feel comfortable asking horses to work”
Lots of saddles built on a different tree!
Notable in the last few months has been the number of saddles built on a different tree…………Impala Pro on an H&C tree, Impala on GPX (Grandee) tree, Impala Pro on Gazelle tree, Working Hunter on GPX tree, Nyala on Jessica tree, Suzannah on Jessica tree and so on!...
Amazing photo!
Just posted a new "Saddle Story" with this fab photo!Desiree Maile Lavilla with Ulambo, sitting in his custom made Suzannah Monoflap Dressage saddle.
Been very busy!
I have been very remiss in my blogging of late! But, we have been very busy!!! Soon to be posted will be some great new "Saddle Stories". So, watch this space!
New Year Lockdown Update
2021 begins amidst worrying Covid developments and further lockdown measures. But, Ideal remain in production and the "best estimate" of order timescale stays at 4-6 weeks. In recent months this has held good for the majority of orders and we expect and hope that it...
Donation made to Hillside
Yes, today we sent a few hundred pounds to Hillside, the result of our fund raising efforts in honour of Sara & Alfie. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Update…..the UK’s second “Lockdown” begins but there is some good news!
.....and the good news is that Ideal will remain in production. Timescale for making is the usual 4 - 6 weeks although in these difficult times we feel we must say that this is a best estimate. Most importantly, we specialise in fitting "remotely" as we have been...
Help us raise some funds for Hillside Animal Sanctuary
The full story is told in our "Saddle Stories".....scroll down on the home page. It is a very moving story. A big thank you if you can help us.
This Suzannah Monoflap is “incredibly versatile”
Made for a customer in the UK, this Suzannah Monoflap is made up in Remi French Calf with grey patent piping and rear facings. The standard Suzannah Monoflap has a moulded knee pad over a fixed block. This one has been made with a plain, soft pad so that it can mould...
Something Very Special off to the USA!
This lovely saddle is an Ideal Hayley W G Dressage saddle made up in Buffalo and Makela. Our customer asked for Ivory coloured stitching and sent us a photo of a design that she asked us to replicate. This is the result! It is hard to do this saddle full justice in a...
An Individual Spec off to the USA!
This one is a Suzannah Monoflap on a Suzannah Low Head tree. Made up in Buffalo and Makela, it has serge lining on the panels, royal blue piping, Tonishia style blocks and shallower rear gussets. Designed to Order makes all this possible....and more in many cases!!!
Two new saddle offers posted!
Firstly, an Ideal Impala 1450 Jump saddle, 17" W in Sala and secondly, an Ideal Lynx Pro Monoflap Deluxe, 17 1/2" MW in Black, a lovely combination of the Lynx Pro Monoflap and the Lynx Pro Deluxe with Buffalo skirt & flaps and Suave seat & pads.